Avid Media Composer Keyboard Shortcuts

Below is a list of Avid Media Composer keyboard shortcuts. With KillerKeys, you can always have the shortcuts you want for practically any application right in front of you.  Learn more

Modifier Key Key Description of shortcut
Alt   0 Disables audio on tracks 1, 2, 3
Alt   9 Disables audio on tracks 1, 2, 3
Alt   = Disables audio on tracks 1, 2, 3
Alt Ctrl  K Reduces the waveform display on selected tracks.
Alt Ctrl  L Enlarges the waveform display on selected tracks.
 Ctrl  A Selects all items in the active bin or the project window, if selected
 Ctrl  Apostrophe Returns highlighted window to default location in monitor
 Ctrl  B Go to capture mode
Alt   B Edits to position indicator on record side, ignoring in and out points
 Ctrl  D Duplicates clip or sequence
 Ctrl  E Sort
 Ctrl Shift F Full screen playback
   F1 Marks the beginning of the subclip while capturing.
   F10 F5 to f12 while capturing, adds a locator to the current frame of the master clip. Each function key adds a different color locator. While editing, adds a locator to the active clip or sequence. Each function key adds a different color locator.
   F11 F5 to f12 while capturing, adds a locator to the current frame of the master clip. Each function key adds a different color locator. While editing, adds a locator to the active clip or sequence. Each function key adds a different color locator.
   F12 F5 to f12 while capturing, adds a locator to the current frame of the master clip. Each function key adds a different color locator. While editing, adds a locator to the active clip or sequence. Each function key adds a different color locator.
   F2 Marks the end of the subclip while capturing.
   F3 Adds a red locator
   F4 Starts capture. Ends locator entry. In log mode, sets in and out points. Ends locator entry.
   F5 F5 to f12 while capturing, adds a locator to the current frame of the master clip. Each function key adds a different color locator. While editing, adds a locator to the active clip or sequence. Each function key adds a different color locator.
   F6 F5 to f12 while capturing, adds a locator to the current frame of the master clip. Each function key adds a different color locator. While editing, adds a locator to the active clip or sequence. Each function key adds a different color locator.
   F7 F5 to f12 while capturing, adds a locator to the current frame of the master clip. Each function key adds a different color locator. While editing, adds a locator to the active clip or sequence. Each function key adds a different color locator.
   F8 F5 to f12 while capturing, adds a locator to the current frame of the master clip. Each function key adds a different color locator. While editing, adds a locator to the active clip or sequence. Each function key adds a different color locator.
   F9 F5 to f12 while capturing, adds a locator to the current frame of the master clip. Each function key adds a different color locator. While editing, adds a locator to the active clip or sequence. Each function key adds a different color locator.
 Ctrl Shift G Creates a group clip from selected master clips or sub clips
 Ctrl  I First, select clips or sequences in the bin, then use this shortcut to open the console window, which will display useful information
 Ctrl  K When in frame view or script view, this shortcut will decrease the size of the clip frame images.
 Ctrl  K Reduces frames in record or source monitor
 Ctrl  L When in frame view or script view, this shortcut will increase the size of the clip frame images.
 Ctrl  L Enlarges frames in record or source monitor
 Ctrl Shift M Mulit camera mode
 Ctrl  P Prints the selected bin in whatever view you have selected (text, frame or script view)
 Ctrl  T When in frame view, this shortcut will make the clip frame images align to an invisible grid. A good way to remember this shortcut is to think that "t" stands for "tidy-up."
 Ctrl  U New audio track mono
 Ctrl Shift U New audio track stereo
Alt   V Edits to position indicator on record side, ignoring in and out points
 Ctrl  W Closes open windows, bins or dialog boxes
   / Trim right 10 frames
   [ Trim ab sides
   \ Quick transition
   ] Trim b side
   C Copy to clipboard
   Comma Trim left one frame
   M Trim left 10 frames
   P Trim a side
   Period Trim right one frame
   U Trim mode
   X Extract
   Y Source/record mode
   Z Lift

These shortcuts are just a sample of the shortcuts available for this application. KillerKeys includes the complete list of shortcuts and is updated automatically with each new release of software.