Microsoft OneNote Keyboard Shortcuts

Below is a list of Microsoft OneNote keyboard shortcuts. With KillerKeys, you can always have the shortcuts you want for practically any application right in front of you.  Learn more

Modifier Key Key Description of shortcut
Alt   N Insert a document or file on the current page.
Alt   N Insert a document or file as a printout on the current page.
Alt  Shift P Show or hide document printouts on the current page (when running OneNote in High Contrast mode).
Alt   N Insert a picture from a file.
Alt   S Insert a picture from a scanner or a camera.
   S Insert a screen clipping.
Alt  Shift D Insert the current date.
Alt  Shift F Insert the current date and time.
Alt  Shift T Insert the current time.
  Shift Enter Insert a line break.
Alt   = Start a math equation or convert selected text to a math equation.
   Tab Create a table by adding a second column to already typed text.
   Tab Create another column in a table with a single row.
   Enter Create another row when at the end cell of a table.
 Ctrl  Enter Create a row below the current row in a table.
Alt   Enter Create another paragraph in the same cell in a table.
Alt Ctrl  R Create a column to the right of the current column in a table.
Alt Ctrl  E Create a column to the left of the current column in a table.
   Enter Create a row above the current one in a table (when the cursor is at the beginning of any row).
   Delete Delete the current empty row in a table (when the cursor is at the beginning of the row).
 Ctrl  E Move the insertion point to the Search box to search all notebooks.
   Down Arrow While searching all notebooks, preview the next result.
   Enter While searching all notebooks, go to the selected result and dismiss Search.
 Ctrl  Spacebar Change the search scope.
Alt   O Open the search Results pane.
   F Search only the current page.
   Enter While searching the current page, move to the next result.
  Shift F3 While searching the current page, move to the previous result.
   Escape Dismiss search and return to the page.
 Ctrl Shift E Send the selected pages in an e-mail message.
 Ctrl  A Select all items on the current page.
  Shift End Select to the end of the line.
  Shift Down Arrow Select the whole line (when the cursor is at the beginning of the line).
 Ctrl Shift T Jump to the title of the page and select it.
   Escape Cancel the selected outline or page.
Alt  Shift Up Arrow Move the current paragraph or several selected paragraphs up.
Alt  Shift Down Arrow Move the current paragraph or several selected paragraphs down.
Alt  Shift Left Arrow Move the current paragraph or several selected paragraphs left (decreasing the indent).
Alt  Shift Right Arrow Move the current paragraph or several selected paragraphs right (increasing the indent).
 Ctrl Shift Hyphen Select the current paragraph and its subordinate paragraphs.
   Delete Delete the selected note or object.
   Home Move to the beginning of the line.
   End Move to the end of the line.
   Left Arrow Move one character to the left.
   Right Arrow Move one character to the right.
Alt   Left Arrow Go back to the last page visited.
Alt   Right Arrow Go forward to the next page visited.
 Ctrl  P Start playback of a selected audio or video recording.
 Ctrl  S Start playback of a selected audio or video recording.
 Ctrl  Y Rewind the current audio or video recording by a few seconds.

These shortcuts are just a sample of the shortcuts available for this application. KillerKeys includes the complete list of shortcuts and is updated automatically with each new release of software.